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Getting to the Fio Office!


First Floor, W2 Offices, Wellington House, Wellington Street, Riverside, Cardiff, CF11 9BE

Walking Directions:

When walking to the office, it is usually best to enter ‘WED2B’ into your maps (this is a bridal shop just underneath our office) as sometimes our post code will direct you past the building!

Driving Directions:

When driving to the office, it is usually best to enter ‘CF11 9SH’ into your maps as this will direct you to the Wellington Street Car Park which is then only a few minutes walk to the office and is Free for 2 hours, and £3 all day after that.

Office Telephone:


Finding Fio

Once you arrive outside the office, the building is marked as ‘W2’ on large grey pillars, if you can see a Bridal shop ‘WED2B’ or a Catering store ‘ Nesbit’s’ then you’re in the right place! The entrance to the office is just at the top of Neville Street and the doorway is bright yellow! Once you get to the door, follow the instructions next to the intercom to call up to the Fio office (we’re number 31) and someone will let you in. Once you’re in the building, head up to the first floor, there are stairs and a lift, and head into the reception area. We are ‘Wells St.’ office, directly behind the reception desk on the left.

Pictures of the office are below:

